Mama Miche’s Magic Kitchen
Makes Your Kitchen MAGIC!
Welcome to my recipe collection. Here you will find my delicious dishes, both new and old. I will also share my take on some essential kitchen standards. All of these are designed to be simple and prepared quickly (though some recipes can take a long time to actually cook). I hope you enjoy them.
Marinated Chicken Kebab à la Miche
This is Mama Miche and today in My Magic Kitchen: Marinated Chicken Kebabs (Part 3 in my kebab series)
Chicken thighs. My oh my! These are some juicy and tasty thighs using the same base of compound butter/oil for marinating that we used on the lamb and the vegetables. I'm not gonna lie. This was an experiment gone terribly right. I made a large enough batch of the marinade base and kept it refrigerated. I wanted to try it for a bunch of different recipes to see how versatile it is and I'm impressed. The ingredients of the marinade tenderize meats and they melt in your mouth. It works on vegetables, fish and I'm sure it would flavor plant-based meat substitutes too.
I'm Mama Miche and I'm here to Make Your Kitchen Magic.