Mama Miche’s Magic Kitchen
Makes Your Kitchen MAGIC!
Welcome to my recipe collection. Here you will find my delicious dishes, both new and old. I will also share my take on some essential kitchen standards. All of these are designed to be simple and prepared quickly (though some recipes can take a long time to actually cook). I hope you enjoy them.
Fried Rice with Pork and Anything Else I Could Find
My mom enjoyed cooking and entertaining guests, so clearly the apple didn’t fall far. We had a friend who owned Uncle King’s, a Chinese restaurant on Roosevelt Avenue and he would come to our apt. on days off and teach us how to cook authentic Chinese food. I don’t remember specifics other than whatever we made was delicious. This fried rice is also delicious. I encourage you to make it your own with your veggie choices, if you add meat or keep it plant based. It’s a great refrigerator cleaner outer.