Mama Miche’s Magic Kitchen
Makes Your Kitchen MAGIC!
Welcome to my recipe collection. Here you will find my delicious dishes, both new and old. I will also share my take on some essential kitchen standards. All of these are designed to be simple and prepared quickly (though some recipes can take a long time to actually cook). I hope you enjoy them.
Saffron Crab Risotto
This is Mama Miche, and today in my Magic Kitchen: Saffron Crab Risotto.
In the pilot episode of the sitcom, "Mom," Christy insults Chef Rudy by calling the risotto "a big steaming pile of gooey rice." Well, technically, it is, but it's a delicious dish that is easy to make but involves constant attention, and you stir, stir, stir to achieve the right amount of gooeyness. When my MIL gifted me this automatic stir device many years ago, a New Year's Eve tradition was born of surf turf and risotto.