Mama Miche’s Magic Kitchen
Makes Your Kitchen MAGIC!

Welcome to my recipe collection. Here you will find my delicious dishes, both new and old. I will also share my take on some essential kitchen standards. All of these are designed to be simple and prepared quickly (though some recipes can take a long time to actually cook). I hope you enjoy them.

Erik E. Strata

This is Mama Miche, and today in my magic kitchen: Erik "Estrata"

When my mother-in-law was still alive, she made this for Christmas Day breakfast for as long as I knew her. For some reason, I wrongly assumed that this was what my hubster ate on Christmas Day as a child, but the asparagus strata became a staple just a few years before I came into the picture.

Also, for some reason only my husband understands, he calls it Erik Estrata. It's delicious, so he can call it whatever the fuck he wants, and I'm happy to make it every year for our Christmas Day breakfast. It is also good for any large family gathering. You make it the night before, refrigerate it overnight, and put it in the oven in the morning. It cooks for a little over an hour. And it has all the major food groups.

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