Mama Miche’s Magic Kitchen
Makes Your Kitchen MAGIC!

Welcome to my recipe collection. Here you will find my delicious dishes, both new and old. I will also share my take on some essential kitchen standards. All of these are designed to be simple and prepared quickly (though some recipes can take a long time to actually cook). I hope you enjoy them.

Cheese Blintz Casserole

This is Mama Miche, and today in my magic kitchen: Cheese Blintz Casserole 

I was introduced to this masterpiece by my friend Wendy. We met in Memphis when our tiddlypeeps went to the same preschool. She's a doll, a living doll. And she doesn't gatekeep! Many years ago, when we both still lived in Memphis, she invited my family to her family's Yom Kippur Break Fast and served a lot of great food. This blintz casserole? I had never had it before! This dish is magnificent and perfect for breakfast, brunch, or brinner! It's one of those easy-to-make meals that will have everyone at the table asking you for the recipe. Tell them!

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Sweet Matzoh Brei

This is Mama Miche, and today in my magic kitchen: Sweet Matzoh Brei.

This is the matzoh brie of my childhood. Very few ingredients, very easy to make, and very good use of matzo in a week where that's all you can eat. Joking, not joking. There is also a delicious savory matzoh brei recipe I've shared on our YouTube channel and website in which we use our delicious Twice Stolen Spice™ I learned that one from my dear friend, Essra Mohawk. I mention that in the voiceover. In the time between making that video and this one, Essra left this plane. She was a gifted and highly underrated singer-songwriter.

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Matzo Brei

Today in my magic kitchen we are making a delicious breakfast for the Passover holiday week - Matzo Brei.

No need to say God bless you! It may sound like a sneeze for those who don’t know what a matzo brei is, but it is a delicious breakfast. It makes a great use of matzo and is similar to French toast or huevos rancheros. I substitute the bread or tortilla chips with... you guessed it, Matzo.

After a couple of days of eating cardboard, which is how my Momster would describe matzo, you do need to find different ways of cooking with the ingredients that are “kosher for Passover” and matzo is key to the week long holiday. It’s so important to the story of Passover which is why it is one of the four questions that the youngest child must ask at a Seder dinner, why do we eat matzo? We are Jews. We suffer. That is why.

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